Transitional Kindergarten, also known as Pre-K, is exactly that – a transition. It is a learning environment that combines elements of preschool and kindergarten to provide students an opportunity to strengthen the essential behaviors and skills needed to be successful in elementary school.

Our Pre-K Program includes longer large group circle times and structured center times similar to kindergarten, as well as favorite preschool activities like story time and free play. We use a positive behavior system to prepare students for the behavior charts they will experience in elementary school.

The best part of the Pre-K class is seeing the children’s confidence grow in a small group environment. A kindergarten class of 20-25 children can often seem intimidating to a child. They may not feel comfortable answering questions in a large group discussion, or they may be distracted by all the activity during the day.

In the Pre-K class, we practice oral skills by sharing “Good News” each day in our morning circle time. Our afternoon circle includes discussions about books we read. The students make predictions, talk about characters and setting and compare stories to other books they know. Students blossom over the course of a year, as they get used to speaking in front of their friends.

Our structured center time enables children a chance to learn how to listen to and follow directions in order to complete an activity in a certain period of time, as well as how to pay attention to their own task instead of what’s going on in other centers. The less-structured parts of the day are important, too. Free center time and outside time enable the children to choose their own activities and partners in play while working off extra energy.

The Pre-K program runs from 9am to 1pm with the classroom having lunch together. The Pre-K program is available for students who have completed a 4-year-old preschool program and are eligible for Kindergarten by state regulations. It is the perfect alternative for younger children who need another year to mature.